Hobbies & Interests

Abhyuday's Pursuits

In addition to his philanthropic pursuits, Chawla finds solace and creative expression through the enchanting realm of music. Accomplished in playing the piano, his nimble fingers dance across the keys, weaving melodies that stir the soul. Music provides him with a refuge from the rigors of academic life, serving as an outlet for self-expression and introspection. Whether it’s captivating an audience with a mesmerizing performance or seeking solace in the melodies he creates, the piano becomes an extension of his being. His Satie-esque piece “Dissonsnce by Abhyuday Chawla can be found on Soundcloud.

Sport, too, plays a pivotal role in Chawla’s life. His talent and dedication have propelled him to excel in swimming, earning him accolades as a state-level medallist. Through the rhythmic strokes in the water, he discovers discipline, resilience, and the joy of pushing his limits. The swimming pool serves as a sanctuary, a place where he finds balance amidst the demands of academia, and where his indomitable spirit shines.He is a member of the Intramural Swimming Club at Virginia Tech. He has also represented his High School at district level, in chess, basketball, track and field and cricket.

He has recently developed a passion for skiing and skiis at _________.He hopes to join the VT Ski Club next season.


Literary Leanings

Within the realms of the written word, where imagination takes flight and emotions find their voice, resides a young literary enthusiast named Abhyuday. Blessed with a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, Abhyuday’s literary leanings have led him on a remarkable journey of creative expression and intellectual exploration. From contributing to the neighbourhood magazine Sanvaad to delivering thought-provoking discourses on Language Day, and from authoring phonetics-based picture books for ESL learners to working on a book to raise awareness about ADHD, Abhyuday’s literary endeavours encompass a vast spectrum of linguistic prowess.

Moreover, Abhyuday’s linguistic dexterity extends beyond the boundaries of his neighbourhood. On Language Day, a celebration of linguistic diversity and cultural exchange, Abhyuday showcased his linguistic prowess by delivering a captivating discourse in both Hindi and French. His eloquence and command over these languages not only captivated the audience but also demonstrated his appreciation for the richness and nuances of different cultures. Through his multilingual presentations, Abhyuday fosters cross-cultural understanding and encourages others to embrace the beauty of diverse languages.


Recognizing the importance of inclusive education, Abhyuday has embarked on a literary endeavour to empower ESL (English as a Second Language) learners. Drawing from his own experiences and understanding the challenges faced by individuals navigating a new language, he has authored phonetics-based picture books. These books, designed to facilitate language acquisition and comprehension, provide a bridge between words and visuals, allowing learners to grasp the foundations of English in an engaging and accessible manner. Abhyuday’s dedication to facilitating language learning serves as a testament to his empathy and commitment to creating an inclusive society.

In his quest to create awareness and understanding, Abhyuday has also undertaken the noble task of writing a book that sheds light on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Through this work, he endeavours to dispel myths, challenge stigmas, and provide valuable insights into the daily struggles faced by individuals with ADHD. By weaving personal narratives, scientific knowledgepotential solutions.



Graphic Design

I have responsibly led a team of 12 designers to help, supervise and approve their designs to make sure it matches client expectations and latest design standards.


Graphic Design


I have responsibly led a team of 12 designers to help, supervise and approve their designs to make sure it matches client expectations and latest design standards.


Photo and Videography

I have responsibly led a team of 12 designers to help, supervise and approve their designs to make sure it matches client expectations and latest design standards.

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New Delhi, India

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