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An Engineering Journey Rooted in Prestige and Purpose

An Engineering Journey Rooted in Prestige and Purpose

About Me

Abhyuday Chawla spent his formative years In the bustling metropolis of New Delhi, amidst a tapestry of privilege and academic excellence. A Freshman of sophomore standing at the esteemed Virginia Polytechnical Institute, Abhyuday’s  illustrious family lineage as the grandson of one of the pioneers of the Automotive Industry in India, has shaped his aspirations and fostered a deep-rooted love for engineering and automobiles.  Abhyuday, a multifaceted individual with a passion for music, swimming, and academic excellence, epitomizes the epitome of a grounded and family-oriented student.

From a young age, Abhyuday grew up in an environment of high achievers. His family, known for their intellectual prowess and professional accomplishments, served as his inspiration and compass. Fuelled by their legacy, Chawla embarked on his academic journey at Virginia Tech, a beacon of excellence in engineering education.

As an engineering student, Chawla wholeheartedly immerses himself in the pursuit of knowledge and innovation. He thrives on the challenges presented by his coursework, driven by a desire to make a meaningful impact on society through engineering solutions. With a keen eye for detail and an analytical mind, he navigates the complexities of his chosen field, constantly seeking to broaden his horizons.

My Academic Journey

Abhyuday, as a senior at the prestigious Shiv Nadar School in Gurugram,  followed the very exigent International Baccalaureate Route and whilst most students pursued the regular IB Diploma with 3 standard level courses and 3 Higher Level Courses, Abhyuday ambitiously chose 4 of the most challenging subjects in a Higher Level, namely Physics, Chemistry, Economics and Mathematics, along with Standard level English and French. This uber-challenging course load in high school leap-frogged him straight into his sophomore year as  a Mathematics  undergraduate double majoring in Computer Science at the prestigious Virginia Polytechnic Institute,  His mathematical acumen helped him land an on-campus job teaching challenging freshman level maths courses to his fellow freshman.

Chawla’s unwavering commitment to excellence has not gone unnoticed. His exceptional academic performance has earned him a place on the esteemed Dean’s List, a testament to his diligence and intellectual acumen. With each recognition, Chawla remains humble and grateful, attributing his success to the unwavering support of his family and the values they instilled within him.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

-Mahatma Gandhi


Service to Society

A deep-rooted desire to give back to society guides Abhyuday’s  extracurricular endeavours.




“There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed.”

-Woodrow Wilson

Interests & Hobbies

In addition to his philanthropic pursuits, Chawla finds solace and creative expression through the enchanting realm of music, sports and literature.




Literary Leanings

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(824) 587-2675

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New Delhi, India

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